Monday, November 06, 2006

Voting Democratic Tomorrow is the Most Important Thing You Will Do for the Next Two Years

It doesn't matter if your daddy and your momma always voted Republican. My daddy and my momma always voted Republican, too. But they weren't voting for the George W. Bush Junior brand of Republicanism that exists in Washington today.

The George W. Bush brand of Republicanism is akin to being the biggest, baddest boar in the barn. It's the porcine bullying of everyone sharing the sty. It's the hogging of the show, the clearing away of all competition at the trough so that all the feed is theirs alone. It's their using the cloven hoof to hold down in the mud the necks of any and all challengers.

Bush II Republicans don't care if you have the medicine you need, if there are carcinogens in your water, if the wooded property on which you placed your dream home is now devoid of trees. They don't care if your son or daughter, who joined the military to pay for school or to find a living-wage job, has been slaughtered in the name of more war profits for General Halliburton. These people are the richest of the rich, the most well-connected of the networked, and they don't care about you. They don't have to.

This is why no one party should hold all the cards--ever. However, it must be said that it took the Democrats 40 years of holding most of the cards to do what this breed of Republicans have managed in 12--become corrupt enough to warrant being bounced out of Washington on their ears and perhaps jailed. In 12 short years, these Republicans have returned us to the 50's in all the ways that negatively affect life in the United States for John Q. Public, while they have not ventured from their "Leave-it-to-Beaver bubble long enough to realize that the rest of America has 21st-century needs. Like a job. And affordable healthcare. And after Katrina, maybe a house.

These Republicans are blatant hogs and they refuse to share. They don't have to and they won't unless they are made to. Hogs are the most stubborn creatures in the barn. They are opportunists and uproot the bounty of the land for their own gain, leaving in their wake a ruined landscape. To keep them penned, electric fence must be applied or no efforts at corralling them will be effective enough.

On November 7 these porcine Republicans don't deserve your votes. Not one of them. Democrats might not be your cup of tea, but they do own the wire and the transformer needed to restore order to the farm. So for once, forget what momma and daddy always did. They faced different times, and now so do you. This is the barnyard where you live. It needs some balance and fast.

Jane and John Q. , you have the power tomorrow to tell all the Porkies in Washington, "Tha...tha... That's All Folks." For your own good, you'd better do it.

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